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Arthur Dixon

Medieval arts meet the digital age...

We're Luddites; we don't pretend to be tech savvy.
We do pretend to have a young relative who handles all this.
We've named him Arthur Dixon.
He is the official studio webmaster

He has the coolest email: art@dixonstudio.com

He also has a personal facebook page.
(Please friend him; he doesn't get out much.)

And he manages our studio facebook page.
Check it out; you might even Like it.

So, who is Arthur?
He's the digital face of Dixon Studio.
Intended to be sort of a Quaker Oats guy for the studio brand.
But, he seems to have turned into more of an Alfred E. Newman...


It all started back in 2015 when Annie wanted to apply for a small business grant but the studio did not have a facebook account, as the application required. Not about to give up her privacy, even for a long shot at a small fortune, she created 'Arthur Dixon' to create and promote a facebook page for the studio. Here is one of the banner ads she posted to get votes for the grant; you can click it to read more about that first foray into social media.

Since then, Arthur has been sending out friend requests and seems to be running with the popular crowd.
A monsignor --who befriended him based on his last name and job-- asked Annie if he was her son.
Well... he is the creation of Ron and Annie and he does have red hair (like Ron) and brown eyes (like Annie) and a halo (like both of them!). Ron painted him and Annie pulled the painting from the archives and here he is: a full grown, fully formed, full color collaborative creation of Mr. & Mrs. Dixon!

They're so proud of all the connections he's making and how quickly he's maturing.
Seems like just yesterday he was a blank canvas in his daddy's studio.
And, already, he got an email from the vice-president of the bank the studio has worked with for fifteen years.
Dear Arthur...
So much for how the local bank was going to maintain that personal touch when it got bought out.
Hmmm... wonder what Arthur's credit rating is?...
Stay tuned for Arthur's meteoric rise from the marketing department of Dixon Studio to CFO of Dixon Inc.!

Meanwhile, follow him on facebook for news and photos from the studio as well as commentary on an eclectic collection of all things artsy, churchy, Irish, or Virginian --or some combination thereof-- as well as celebrations of all major holidays and a few minor ones.


  TALENTS & SKILLS - In the Studio: Artist's Resume - Awards - Articles
In the Office: Articles
IIn the WorkshopsInIn the Workshops  

PRODUCTS & SERVICES - Church StylingCrucifixes & Corpora
Furnishings - Metalware - Mosaics - Pews - Restoration
 Stained Glass - Stations - Statuary - Stonework - Vestments

BARGAINS & UNIQUE FINDS - Vintage & Antiques 

NEWS & NOTES - Articles - Newsletters - Recent Installations

REFERENCES - Photo Galleries - CatholicVirginia

CONTACT - Contact InfoSearch Service


          DIXON STUDIO
          a division of the Dixon Arts Guild, Inc.
          323 N. Central Avenue; Staunton, VA 24401
          EMail: info@dixonstudio.com

          Commonwealth of Virginia Class A Contractor License #2705135941A 

 Commonwealth of Virginia Class A Contractor         
License #2705135941A  

All website text & illustrations ©1999-2024 Dixon Arts Guild, Inc.         
No content, image, or portion thereof may be copied,         
reproduced or transmitted, in any format, in whole or in part         
without express written permission from the Dixon Arts Guild.